
Industry The number of registered working factories in the state were 20,050 (provisional) at the end of 2000 and the number of small scale industrial units was 2,56,388 as on March 31, 2001. The establishments engaged in manufacturing of machinery and machinery tools and parts except electrical machinery, manufacture of wool, silk and synthetic fibre textiles and manufacture of basic metal and alloys industries cover 30.50 % of the total industrial workers. Other manufacturing products are rubber, plastic, petroleum and coal products, transport equipments and parts, food products etc. A large number of small scale industries are pertaining to metallic work, chemical industries, machinery except electricity and transport, cotton industry and non metallic mineral work etc. The diary industry with a milk procurement of 35 lakh litres is the first in the country. There is production of oil and natural gas in Ankleswar, Cambay and Kalol and a oil refinery at Koyali. Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) have developed around 257 mega industrial estates such as the ones at Jhagadia, Vagra, Savli, Dahej, Anklaseshwar etc. Jamnagar, Porbandar, Jafrabad, Bhavnagar etc are centers of Industry and trade. |