Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Folk Dances & Music

Husari and Bihunas

The two main forms of dancing are Husari and Bihunas. Bihu dance Husari is carol singing.

Batches of boys and young men led by older men go from house to house, sing and dance in the front or back courtyard and collect subscriptions to be spent on repairing the village Namghar (community centre) and on feasting. The dance commences with singing of hymns led by a comparatively elder person. The music is staccato. Each dance lasts only a minute or two. Husari is more religious than festive and gives clear indications of the origin of the Bihu festival in some ancient fertility cult. 

Bihu songs and dances invariably follow the main item of Husari singing which consists of specially composed songs of religious themes sung by members of the party moving in a circle. These songs have a wide range of folk-tunes and are sung in praise of the great festival with the music of accompanying drums and various bamboo instruments. It is a dance of youth and of the spirit of spring, it expresses an exuberant spirit, like a Bihu song, it tends to express the erotic sentiment more than anything else. The Bihu drummer, often utters his bols and follows their reproduction on his drum, and then dances in such a way that he appears to have no bones in his body at all.