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Angled Loofah

 Scientific Name : Luffa Acutangula Roxb.
 Family : Cucurbitaceae
 Colour : Dark Green
 Common names : Angled Loofah, Petula, towel gourd, dish-cloth gourd, ridged gourd, silk gourd
 Best Season : Throughout the year
 Nutritional Value : 1.09 g protein, 17 mg calcium,1.6 mg iron, 5.6 lU vitamin A, 7 mg vitamin C per 100 g serving.
Angled Loofah

A warm season plant, Angled loofah is a fast growing annual climbing vine, native to India. Nutritive value of this vegetable is low. But even then, consumption-wise it is a popular vegetable.

The plant has fast climbing wines which grow up to a considerable height, with leaves which are lobed severally. The plant produces flowers, both male and female and the male flowers are large, bright yellow in colour and are found in clusters whereas the female flowers are few in number and stand alone. Fruits are tubular 4-6 inches long, with ten elevated angular ridges with a rough surface and spongy flesh inside.

Propagation and Planting :

This warm season plant is sensitive to frost. It yields well in warm climates. The plant prefers deep well drained sandy loam soils, rich in organic matter with a pH ranging between 6.5 to 7.5. But it can also be grown on any good soil. The soil may be prepared well by adding organic matter or animal manure a few weeks before planting.

Planting can be propagated by direct seeding or transplanting. The seeds should be planted about 1-2  inch deep in the soil. Transplants can be done when 2-3 leaves develop and should be done in such a way as to avoid disturbance to the root system. The plants require a lot of space to grow and should be placed at a distance of 3 to 4 feet apart in rows. Place poles of any wood or bamboo 2m high as support and give wire or twine supports in rows. The plant requires only little water but regular watering is essential. Too much water during flowering and fruition is harmful to the plant.

Flowering and fruition will occur around 6 weeks after sowing. Fruits are picked when they are dark green at the tender stage, before the angular ridges outside harden and fibrous network develops inside. Once mature, they become bitter and inedible. While cooking, ridges of the loofah can be peeled off thinly but the remaining portion with skin is edible.

Problems and Care :

Prune all side shoots on the main stem till about 1 metre from the ground. Less the number of fruits, more will be the size of the fruit.

Angled loofah is susceptible to many diseases and insect pests, such as nematodes, viruses, powdery mildew, leaf miners and spider mites. The major insect pests are fruit flies and aphids. Powdery mildew can be controlled by applying benomyl or sulfur dust. Fruit flies can be sprayed with protein hydrolysate mixed with insecticide. Leaf feeding beetles can be controlled by spraying with carbaryl of endosulfan. The insects can also be controlled by wrapping fruits with newspapers, when they are about a few centimetres long.

Questions of
 Questions & Answers
 1.  Posted on : 20.8.2013  By  :  Shibu Daniel , Jaleeb Al Shoukh View Answer (2) Post Answer



how long will it take to grow plant

  Posted By :Sumaiya , vijayanagar | On 8.3.2017

Cloves generally require a humid, warm tropical climate. you could get more details from the following link

  Posted By :Rhea , Kochi | On 13.5.2015
 2.  Posted on : 28.8.2012  By  :  Srinivas , Hyderabad View Answer (2) Post Answer

Ever time i grow ladies finger plants, they are stunted, they dont grow more than 1 feet height, they just flower poorly and dry. Does it specifgy any nutrional deficiency??


Use indian cow dung and urine as fertilizer. You should get good result. Also use non-hybrid seeds.

  Posted By :Kiran , Pune | On 23.2.2015

Request you to kindly purchase good quality of seeds, pls verify your soil is ok or not, if not pls mix soil & compose approx 70/30 share and put ur seeds 3days in sunlight before panting.

  Posted By :Alok Kayal , Secunderabad | On 2.1.2013
 3.  Posted on : 17.1.2012  By  :  Gangadhar , Secunderabad View Answer (0) Post Answer

Am planning to cultivate pumpkin and thinking to sow seeds in january month end is there any risk and what will be the average yeild per acre at maturity.

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