Wednesday, March 26, 2025

 Abhinaya | Sattwik Abhinaya | Aharya Abhinaya | Angik Abhinaya Asamyukta | Samyukta


Though the 'Natya shastra' and the 'Abhinaya Darpanam'  limit themselves to twenty six and twenty eight  gestures respectively, several more have crept in. Here the single -hand gestures are divided into different groups .

Group I

This group consists of eight mudras whose basic sign is the Pataka hasta. The other mudras are variations of this gesture. The eight mudras are

1.Pataka Hasta

(Flag )

2.Tripataka hasta

(Flag in three parts )

3.Ardha -Pataka hasta


4.Mayura Hasta


5.Kartari -Mukha  Hasta

(Arrow -Shaft)

6.Ardha -Chandra  Hasta

(Half -moon)

7.Suka -Tunda  Hasta

(Parrot's Beak)

8.Arala Hasta

(Bent or crooked hand )

Pataka Hasta can be represent the wind, the abode of the gods, a year, a river and various other actions and objects.

Group II

The basic sign of this group  is the Musti. The Mudras under this group are



1.Musti  hasta


2.Sikhara Hasta

(spire )

3.Kataka  Hasta


4.Kapittha  Hasta

(wood -apple)

5.Chandra Kala Hasta

(Digit of the moon )

6.Suchi Hasta

(Needle )

7.Tamara Kuda hasta

(Cock's Comb)

8.Kataka -Mukha hasta


The musti hasta may imply a wrathful mood, gripping of the hair, holding  reins  or carrying a shield.

Group III

The Padmakosa  hasta is the basic sign of this group. The remaining gestures in the group are variations.


1.Padmakosa Hasta

(lotus bud)

2Mukula Hasta

(Flower Bud)

3. Ardha-Suchi Hasta

(Half needle)

4.Bhramaram Hasta


5. Chatura Hasta

(Four Fingered)

6. Sarpa- Sirsa

(Snake's hood)

7. Mrga- Sirsa Hasta


 8. Simha- Mukha  Hasta

(Lion's Face)

9.Bana Hasta


10. Hamsasya  Hasta

(Swan's bill )

11. Hamsa paksha Hasta

(parrot's beak)

12. Langula or kangula  Hasta


13.UrnaNabha Hasta 







The basic sign of the Padmakosa Hasta can be indicate the opening of a lotus, picking  up food, strewing  flowers