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Persian Cat

These are the most popular of the long-haired breeds. Persians will happily take to life as indoor cats. They get on well with other cats other animals and children. Persians are tremendously responsive and become a constant source of joy and delight to their owners. Pleasurable as an unexpected sunbeam, their companionship is close and enduring.


Origin : Persia
Colours : Persians come in an astonishing number of patterns and colors, which are divided into seven color divisions for purposes of competition
Temperament : Sweet, calm, and lovable. They are quiet cats and are well suited to apartment or city life where less vocal cats are appreciated

Features :

They have a broad, round head with a short nose, large eyes, full cheeks, and small round-tipped ears set wide apart and titling forward, low on the head with long ear tufts. The neck should be short and thick, and the body cobby, solid and rounded, deep-chested and broad across the shoulders and hindquarters. The paws should be relatively large, rounded and with good tufts. The coat is long silky, flowing and shiny. Rich ruffs and deep frill on and between the front legs, throwing the head in relief are especially prized. The tail should be short and carried behind, not above the body.  Persians have short heavily-boned legs to support their broad, short bodies. They like to have their feet firmly planted and are not given to high jumping and climbing. Their long flowing coats require an indoor, protected environment. Proper maintenance requires a daily grooming with a metal comb up to an hour to eliminate the potential drawbacks of tangles and hairballs.

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 Questions & Answers
 1.  Posted on : 5.2.2010  By  :  Ken , Ontario View Answer (0) Post Answer

I have a 16 year old cat. Keeps getting constipated. Very painful bowel movements at times(crying out, howling). He eats both dry and wet(canned) food daily. I have tried adding some cooking oil to his food, but this doesn't seem to help. He won't take the malt stuff from a tube. Any suggestions? Thanks. Ken

 2.  Posted on : 18.10.2009  By  :  JD , virginia beach View Answer (0) Post Answer

i have 6 male cats all of the same litter. only 2 of them purr. they are all lovey dovey...always...they just never purr....what is up with this?

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