Monday, March 3, 2025
Spirirtual Leader, Founder of Art of Living

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
NAME: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
OCCUPATION: Spirirtual Leader
BIRTH DATE: May 13, 1956

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of Art of Living Foundation and a great spiritual leader from India, was born in Tamil Nadu on May 13, 1956 in a very well known spiritually oriented family. With his slender figure,  dressed in simple white robes, a long black rosary around his neck, millions of people world over are being touched by his childlike simplicity and joy.

Ravi Shankar started showing his spiritual inclination early in life. He used to meditate and chant slokas of the Bhagavad Gita (Holy Book of Hindus) even at a very young age. Recognizing his profoundly spiritual nature, Sri Sri's parents ensured that his education would encompass both spiritual and worldly knowledge. He completed his degree in science and Vedic literature (Hindu scriptures) by the age of 17. During his growing up years, he happened to meet many prominent spiritual teachers and leading scholars. One of them was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi the founder of the 'Transcendental Meditation movement' with whom he spent .

Several years in Rishikesh. His influence and spiritual researches made Ravishankar decide to embark on an ascetic path. In 1982, he started the Art of Living Foundation, a United Nations NGO and introduced to the world 'Sudarshan Kriya technique'—a unique breathing process, which removes stress and negative toxins from the body by rejuvenating each and every cell. The Foundation aims at fostering health at every conceivable human level-mental, physical, emotional as well as spiritual.

Sri Sri Ravishankar, also, started off a number of educational and humanitarian organizations for the service and all-round up-liftment of society. Besides Art of Living Foundation, the Prison Smart Foundation, International Association of Human Values, Dollar-a-Day, Art Excel, 5H Program and so on are all the outcome of his wholehearted commitment towards humanity.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, has served on the advisory board of Yale University School of Divinity. He was a featured speaker at the United Nations Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, the International Conference on Buddhism in Japan, International Women’s Conference in Beijing. Now this great spiritual figure continues to travel around the world giving lectures and spreading universal wisdom and love.