The film is all about the message, the message that is the fundamental
belief of Christianity and the messenger is Jesus. Mel Gibson has succeeded
in delivering that message in graphics to millions of viewers. The movie
sticks closely to accounts of the crucifixion as told in the New Testament.
The movie graphically portray the intense suffering of Jesus. Even though
Pilate ordered the crucifixion, he was forced to do so by the crowd
of the Jews. The emphasis of the movie is about the suffering of Jesus
and not who killed Jesus. But Gibson has removed the notorious line
from Matthew 27:25 "His blood be on us, and on our children" from the
subtitles, but not from the Aramaic dialogue. The movie has been presented
as it was said in both 'The Book Of Isaiah' and 'The Gospel' accounts.
This is a must see movie. If you are a believer of Faith, you can
see the love that God has for humanity. If you are not familiar with
Jesus' life you should read the book of Luke from the Bible before seeing
this film. The movie does not answer the question of who is responsible
for Christ's death and why?. Jesus was a Jew who tried to replace the
established religion of the time and set himself up as the Messiah,
the Saviour, so who should be most interested to get rid of him?
According to Mel Gibson " The Passion is a film meant to inspire,
not offend". After watching the film, Pope John Paul reportedly said
" It Is As It Was", meaning that he believed the film to be accurate
in its portrayal.
We rate this movie EXCELLENT.