Friday, March 14, 2025

Vijaya Bank- Trade Finance


Individuals/proprietary concerns/partnership firms, private limited companies or any legal entity engaged in business - retail trade, distributors, stockists, commission agents, etc., are eligible for finance under this scheme, for a period of 1 year, with the provision for yearly renewal.

Quantum of Loan:

Need based credit limit subject to a maximum of Rs 25 lakhs.

Rate of Interest:

BPLR +1.75%= 14%

Processing Fee:

V-Trade (Maximum loan amount Rs. 25 lakh)

OTHER THAN INDIVIDUALS  Rs.620/- per lakh  Minimum: Rs.1240/-  Maximum: Rs.15,500/-
INDIVIDUALS IN OTHER THAN RURAL AREAS Rs.562/- per lakh (0.562%)  Minimum: Rs.1124/-  Maximum: Rs.14,050/-
INDIVIDUALS IN RURAL AREAS Rs.506/- per lakh (0.506%)  Minimum: Rs.1012/- Maximum: Rs.12,700/-

Repayment of Loan:

Loan will before a period of 3years subject to review every year.


Immovable property @ 25% margin and/or other securities like NSC, KVP and Govt. securities, SV of policies to the extent of the Limit. For limits and Rs.10 Lakhs - Collateral security of stock is taken (insured and inspected annually).

For more information: Website