Friday, March 14, 2025

Syndicate Bank- SyndUdyog

Purpose of Loan:

Scheme for financing small and medium entrepreneurs.

Target Group:

Manufacturing Units, Trading Units & Service Entities.


  • Credit requirement of the applicant party/unit shall not be more than Rs. 50 lacs.
  • The annual sales/revenue turnover of the applicant party / unit shall not be more than Rs. 250 lacs

Rate of Interest:

Interest rate for Micro/ Small Enterprises/ Medium Enterprises:

Size of Credit limit Micro Enterprises Small Enterprises
Upto Rs.50000/- (Mfg.Sector) Service (Mfg.Sector) Service
PLR -3.50 PLR - 2.00
PLR -3.00 PLR – 1.50
Above Rs.50000/- up to Rs.2.00 lakhs
PLR -1.50 PLR -1.50
PLR -2.00 PLR - 2.00

Above Rs.2 Lakhs:

Micro Enterprises Credit Rating of Borrower CR01 CR02 CR03 CR04 CR05 CR06
Above Rs.2 lacs PLR-1 PLR -0.75 PLR -0.50 PLR PLR+  0.50 PLR+ 1.00
Small Enterprises Above Rs.2 lacs PLR-0.50 PLR-0.25 PLR PLR+ 0.50 PLR +&1.00 PLR + 1.50

Medium Enterprises:

Size of the Credit Limit Interest Rate
Upto Rs.2 Lakhs PLR – 0.50
Spread to be added to PLR
Credit Rating of Borrower CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4 CR5 CR6
Above Rs.2 lacs 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50
Nature of Facility: Overdraft/Loans, Bill Limit, LCs/ BGs offered in one package at competitive rates within a predetermined overall limit (not exceeding Rs. 50 lac). For more information: Website

Syndicate Bank- SyndVyapar

Purpose of Loan: To meet the credit needs of traders. Eligibility: All Traders are eligible for this loan scheme. Quantum of Loan: Maximum Rs. 25 lakhs in the form of overdraft. Repayment of Loan: To be renewed once in 2 years. Rate of Interest: Upto Rs.2 lakhs : PLR ; Above 2 lakhs: Depending on credit rating of the borrower. Security: Mortgage of property / Pledge of NSC / KVP / LIC / RBI Relief bond and hypothecation of stock in trade. Margin: 40% on immovable property, 15% on other securities. Requirement: Financial statements for limits of over Rs. 10 lakhs. For more information: Website