Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Fairs & Festivals
 »  » Muharram


 Place : All over India
 Significance: Martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussein

This Muslim festival of mourning is observed in the first month of the Hijra year, Muharram. The festival commemorates the martyrdom of the prophet Mohammed's grandson- Hazrat Imam Hussein.  It is celebrated with great fervour by the Muslims especially the Shia community. 

Hazrat Hussain was the second son of Fatimah, the prophet Muhammad's daughter. He was brutally murdered with his whole family and followers by the wicked, Yazid, a Muslim ruler at Karbala in Mecca. This dispute was result of a disagreement among Muslims on the question of succession after the demise of Hazrat Ali, the fourth caliph.

Tazias, glittering replicas of the Martyr's tomb, are carried in procession through the streets. The Tazias of Lucknow and Hyderabad are noted  for their  splendour. The Muslims observe fasts, offer prayers recites  'fatihas' in homage to the martyrs who fought bravely for preserving their faith. In places like Lucknow, Delhi, Agra and Jaipur, grand scale processions are held.  People beat their chest in mourning to the tune of beating drums and chants 'Ya Hussain'. Devotees beat themselves and inflict wounds on their own bodies. Some sects of Muslims hold meetings where speeches are made on the happenings of Karbala and on the lives of martyrs. After the procession, the devotees return home, break their fast and give food, clothes, money to the poor, needy and the sick in charity.