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Socks Puppet

Socks Puppet
Total views : 17436    17 . 3 . 2014

Puppets can be made with a lot of materials. Here's a simple puppet with socks..

Moms, your toddlers gonna love it.


Socks Puppet
Collect the below items to make your puppet
materials to make this puppet
» An old sock
» Red colour paper - 1
» Plastic craft eyes – 2
» Glue
» Scissors

Lets start

Slip your hands inside the sock

Slip your hands inside the sock.

puppet's mouth

Cut a round shape from the paper. Apply some gum and stick it on the puppet's mouth as you see here.

plastic eyes

Take the plastic eyes and apply some glue on it. Stick them both on the puppet's forehead.


Let it dry. Now you can slide it into your hand. You puppet is ready to play with you.

You can add any other features according to your imagination. Make more puppets and have fun!!!


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Arthi, U S
August 20, 2014
Ssuperb i tried my kid enjoy it...
Cout Chan, Sangkhlaburi
March 19, 2014
This is make more energy for me how could I do more toys for my kids and poor children who don't have any toy for playing. I also thanks a lot for showing and give me the way how could I do /make one sock puppet. I hope , I will do some new puppets. Thanks.