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Stocking Flowers

Stocking Flowers
Total views : 33814    27 . 12 . 2013
Stocking flowers are beautiful to look at and is a great craft idea... Once you learn the basics of making the flower, you can create different types of flowers with stocking cloth.

Stocking flowers
For making this flower we need :
» Different colours of stockings. Here I am using purple and white shades
» Green colour stocking for leaves
» Aluminium wire
» Pips
» Green tape
» Scissors

shape of a petal

Take the aluminium wire; curve it in the shape of a petal. Tie the bottom of it tightly. We need five petals for this flower. Make sure that all the petals are of the same size.

stocking cloth

Now take the stocking cloth and cover the petal shaped wire with it. Tight the edge of the petal with the aluminium wire… In the same way, cover all petal shaped wires with the stocking cloth.

two or three pips

Now take two or three pips and gather each petal around the pips. Carefully secure them with the aluminium wire. Leave the rest of the wire to make the stem part.

green tape around the stem

Wrap the green tape around the stem. Slightly bend the petal of the flowers using your fingers to give a natural look. In this way make as many flowers as you need for the decoration.

leaf shape

To make the leaves, take a piece of aluminium wire and bend it into a leaf shape. Cover the leaf shaped wires with green colour stockings. Secure the base of the leaves with the aluminium wire, and leave the rest of the wire to make the stem. Take the green tape and wrap it around the stem. Make some more leaves.

Different colours of stockings

Now you can attach the leaves to the flower by twisting the stem wires to make it secure. Arrange the bunch of flowers according to your taste. Wow they are looking awesome!!! These flowers can definitely do wonders to your room. Different colours of stockings are available in the market. They are also known as flower socks. You can make different types of flowers with different colours of socks.


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