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Pearl Bangle

Pearl Bangle
Total views : 32027    17 . 10 . 2013
Pearl bangles are an evergreen fashion. Their need dates back to ancient times and the craze for it still continues. Even if it is very rare, it has never lost its charm and attraction. Artificial pearls and pearl beads bangles are also available in the market and the making of such bangles is not that tough.

Things you need are :
» Bangle base
» Elastic thread
» Pearl beads


Cut out a small piece of elastic thread. Now pick out your beads. You can use round or oval shaped beads. Now pull the elastic through the holes of the beads. Continue this until you have attained the correct length. Now tie the extra elastic into a knot. The bracelet part is ready.


Now carefully place the bracelet on the bangle base.


Take a small piece of elastic thread. Bring the elastic up through the hole of the bangle base and take it down through the same hole and make a knot inside the bangle. Again bring the elastic up, through the next hole and bring it down though the same hole to tight the bracelet on the bangle base. Continue the process until you reach the first hole. Tie the elastic tightly to the bangle and make a knot inside the bangle. Cut off the extra elastic. Wow!!! The peal beads bangle is ready to wear. Don't be late, pick out your favourite colours and make colourful bangles of your own style.


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Ancy, Kochi
December 3, 2013
nice craft
Paul, ekm
December 3, 2013
Easy to make