Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Button Ring

Button Ring
Total views : 20869    7 . 1 . 2012

Are you fed up of wearing ordinary ornaments? Then try this unique but simple button ring. Making this lovely ring is not hard at all.

Button Ring
Materials Required :
 Buttons of Different Color
Buttons of Different Colors, Shapes and Sizes
Ring or Ring Base


Carefully paste it on the top of big button

Take the biggest button. This one will be the base button. Now take a small button and spread glue on the back of the button. Carefully paste it on the top of big button.

petals of a flower

Take six small buttons and fix them under the biggest button. Arrange them like the petals of a flower. Glue the buttons to each other and let it dry.

ring base

After the glue has dried you can glue on the ring base. You can use either a ring base or a plain ring, according to the availability. After putting glue on the ring base, paste it carefully to the back of the button. Use enough glue, but not so much that it oozes all over.


Here we have done with the ring. Now it is ready to wear. Try it with different colors and patterns and arrange the buttons according to your wish.


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