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Metal Embossing

Metal Embossing
Contributed by- Jennifer Augustine , Kochi , India
Total views : 49559    16 . 2 . 2021

Mrs. Jennifer Augustine introduces the tools for embossing, and teaches how to emboss beautiful designs on metal.

She definitely has an aesthetic sense.. See more of Jennifer Augustine's crafts


Metal Embossing
Materials Required : Materials used in metal embossing
›› Aluminium sheet
›› Tools
›› Ball pointed pen
›› Trace of the design
›› Blanket or cushion
›› Golden anti rust liquid
›› Cotton
›› Glue and Brush
›› Kerosene.



Drawing over the trace on the Aluminium Sheet

Stick the trace of the design to the four corners of the aluminium sheet. Applying force draw  over the trace so that the impression of the design comes out on the metal sheet prominently.

Making impressions

Put dots around the design with the ball pen using force. This dots around the embossed figure will make the art look more attractive.

Shaping with a tool

Keep a blanket or cushion on the table and place the reverse side of the picture on it and emboss the picture by pressing hard  with the embossing tool. When it is turned the on the right side, figures will be slightly projecting (embossed). Now paint the out lines of the pictures with black colour.

Darkening the background

Colour the background of the picture with golden anti rust.

Darkening the background

Take some cotton and keep it inside a piece of cotton cloth and tie it.  This can be used to dip the golden rust and applied on the background thickly so that the background will have a dark appearance. To give lighter shade, mix little kerosene to the golden anti rust and apply it on the back ground as shown in the final picture.

The woman's attire can be designed using different tools and given lighter and darker shades of antirust. The tree trunk and branches can be given a dark shade. Lambs, leaves and the limbs of the woman can be left without shading. This can be framed after a day.

Many tools are shown in the picture. We can select the tool depending upon the design which we want to do.


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C.Maheswari, Coimbatore
February 7, 2015
what is the thickness of the aluminium sheet. where should i get this sheet
June 24, 2011
Your art work is awesome ,I love it .Could you please let me know where can i find out these tools in US. Neelu