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Pot Painting Method I

Pot Painting Method I
Contributed by- Jennifer Augustine , Kochi , India
Total views : 53307    31 . 1 . 2025

Here's a simple yet beautiful way of converting an ordinary pot to an ornamental one from Craft expert Mrs. Jennifer Augustine.


Materials Required : 
 » Enamel Paints (Different Colours)
  » Brush
  » Water
  » Container
  » Earthen Pot
Materials Required


Procedure : 

  1. At first, colour your earthen pot with any enamel paint.

  2. Sprinkling paints into the water
  3. Now take a container containing three-fourth quantity of water and spill different colours of enamel paints into it.

  4. The different colour paints float on the water.

  5. Dipping the pot in the paint
  6. Now gently hold your painted pot at its edge and dip it into the water and twist it around, in the water and slowly take it out of the container.

  7. Keep the pot aside without disturbing it.

  8. The wet paints will slowly take its own design and shade.

  9. Wait till the pot dries.

Your pot painting is ready.

This art form can be done by any age group and each time you do it, you get a different design.

Tips : 
  • The more shades of paints you spill in the water, the more colourful and beautiful the pot will become.

  • Do not disturb or shake the pot after it is taken out of the water.


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Binu Baruah, Guwahati
October 30, 2015
So nice.It is verysimple and essy so i will try it.
Mrs Mangalavalli, Salem
April 26, 2015
Wow wonderful & was very much useful for me to teach the summer class students. Thanks a lot.
michelle, USA - Michigan
April 29, 2012
This is such a beautiful technique and I am so excited to try it. Thank you so much for sharing!
Sonia, Bangalore
October 23, 2011
Hi your paints r really very gud but if u can mention what type of colors are used then it wud b great.
Reshmi Islam, Burdwan(West Bengal)
April 27, 2011
very nicely instructed i'll try at home. iwas looking for some tips and i got it thanks
Surabhi, Hyderabad
September 24, 2010
Very good!After reading this pot painting, I tried.I got good results I wanted to teach it to children too.
Malathi, UK
June 16, 2010
hi, Thanks for sharing this. I have a quick Question. Should i dry the pot after painting and before dipping into water of paints? Thanks in Advance. Regards, Malathi
Nisha, Bangalore
February 25, 2019
Hi Nisha, The pot has to dry first and then only you can dip it in water.