Materials Required: |
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One hardcover book with at
least 2cm (3/4 in.) thickness |
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Cardboard (packing material like
cartons) two pieces |
a) one piece a bit larger than the book- to make the bottom piece of the
box. |
b) one narrow piece with breadth (thickness) as same as the book and length,
combined measurements of all sides of the cover- to make the sides of the
box. |
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A strip of white paper the same
size as the narrow piece of cardboard. |
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A paper knife, a ruler, tape, a
pencil, paints, a paintbrush, glue. |
1. Remove
the pages carefully with the paper knife from the hard cover book
without spoiling the hard cover. |
2. Cut a strip of paper and glue it
over the space left by the pages. |
3. Place the pages on the larger
piece of cardboard (a) and trace around them. Draw a line 1cm (1/2
in.) in from one long side and one short side, and cut out the smaller
rectangle. This will be the bottom of your box. |
4. On the narrow strip of cardboard
(b), measure and mark the length of the bottom piece.
Then the breadth alternately until all sides are measured and marked. Cut
out the remaining portion at the end of the strip. This will be the side
piece of your box. |
5. Glue the strip of white paper on
the side piece of the box. Use a pencil and ruler to draw on lines to
resemble pages. Apply a thin layer of paint that is the same colour as the
pages. The lines should show through faintly.
6. Fold the cardboard strip along
the marks to form the sides of the box and tape it together on the inside. |
7. Attach the side to the bottom of
the box with the strips of tape placed on the inside of the box. You can
glue on velvet cloth, or some other material or gift wrap pieces inside the
box to make it more attractive. |
8. Apply glue under the box and
stick it on the inside back cover of the book. Carefully fold your book shut
to see that it fits properly.
9. Apply glue to the left side of
the box and fold the book cover shut against the side of the box. Let it
dry. |