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Blossom Craft

Blossom Craft
Total views : 26768    5 . 10 . 2009

Materials:  Blossom Craft
›› Photo of a kid
›› Glue
›› Paint
›› Brush
›› Pencil
›› Cardboard


Cut a flower shape out of red colour construction paper. The flower shape should be a bit bigger than the round picture of the kid but small enough so that it will fit on the paper. Glue the paper flower on the top of the cardboard. Draw stem and leaves  for the flower. Paint these with green colour. Cut out the face of the kid in round shape. Place and glue the face to the center of the flower. Write your kids name on the top of the card board. Paint the card board with any colour and decorate it with small butterflies, flowers or stars etc.


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raqu, nalgonda
April 30, 2011
its good but insted of flower we can stick some cake if we want to present it for the child