Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Cities & Towns

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Buffalo Race

Buffalo race is a popular rural sport, celebrated as a grant event in the northern parts of Kasargod, specially in the regions of Kumbla and Manjeswar. Once a part of Tulunadu culture, the race which coincides with the starting of agricultural activities, declares the glorious significance of soaring and harvesting. Held annual during the month of November and December on almost every Saturday and Sunday, it draws huge spectators.

Buffalo races are held in a large muddy fields, usually having a length of 500 to 100 feet and a breadth of 20 to 50 feet known as Kanbalam. Strong and fatty bull or buffaloes, specially bred for this purpose are brought to these Kanbalams. These majestic and graceful animals exhibit their brutal strength and speed when aroused by the skillful riders. There are two types of races. In the first type, a pair of buffaloes are tied to the yoke which is connected to a wooden plank by a long wooden pole having a hole in the center. These wooden plank touches the muddy ground in a slight angle and this enables the rider to stand on it. While riding, the rider keeps his balance by clutching the tales of the buffullos and the muddy water splashes through the hole in the wooden pole. The speed is measured by computing the height reached by the splash. In the second type, the pairs of buffaloes are tied only with the yoke. The rider has to run after the buffaloes and the winner are selected by their speed with the use of a stop-watch.

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