Friday, March 14, 2025
Cities & Towns

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Light House

Light House Located 4km from Alappuzha town, near the beach is one of the oldest light houses in Kerala. Completed on March 28, 1862 under the supervision of an European engineer Captain Hugh Crawfords, the light house sours to a height of 28 meters and its light has a range of 25 nautical miles. Initially the light house worked using old techniques but now new equipments have been installed. The first light-source was a double -wick coconut oil lamp supplied by Chance Bros. Birmingham in 1862. Then it was replaced by a 500 mm drum optic and DA gas flasher of AGA make in 1952 and after that an electric revolving optic system supplied by BBT of Paris was fixed in 1960. In 1998, a separate emergency light in 300 mm lantern was used which was again replaced by 230V 150W Metal halide lamp in 1999.

Alappuzha light house comes under the jurisdiction of the Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships in Chennai. The light house was opened to public lately and the view from its top- of the beach, the endless sea and a part of Alappuzha town, is fabulous. The lighthouse is open to the public from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on all days.
The entry rates for people are Rs.10 for adults, Rs.3 for children and Rs.25 for foreigners.
The rates for still camera is Rs.20, for video camera Rs.25.

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