Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Gandhi Smriti Museum


Gandhi Smriti, formerly known as Birla House or Birla Bhavan is one of the biggest museum dedicate to our Father of the Nation. It was the residence of industrialist BD Birla which has been converted into a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi, where he used to stay during his visits to Delhi. Gandhiji was assassinated here on January 30, 1948 on his way to offer customary evening prayers. The Old Birla House was acquired by the Government of India in 1971 and was converted into a National Memorial and was opened to the public on August 15, 1973.

Set in a substantial park area the Gandhi memorial itself is quite serene and peaceful. The main entrance of Gandhi Smriti is adorned with a statue of a boy and girl holding a dove in their hands standing on either side, emerging out of the globe. It is the work of the renowned sculptor Sri Ram Sutar, symbolising Gandhiji's universal concern for the poor and the deprived.

The sacred house treasures many memories of the last 144 days of Gandhiji's life. The preserves here include the room where Mahatma Gandhi lived and kept exactly how he left it; the prayer ground where he held a mass congregation every evening and around 6000 original photos of Gandhi. The personal belongings of Gandhiji including his walking stick, spectacles, spinning wheel and chappals are preserved here. Gandhi Smriti has a library exhibiting around 60,000 books and has bookshops selling books of Gandhi. The museum displays photographs, sculptures, paintings, frescos, inscriptions on rocks and relics pertaining to the years Mahatma Gandhi spent here. 

Gandhi Darshan is situated close to the Gandhi Samadhi at Rajghat on 36 acres of land. It offers a comprehensive exhibition on Gandhi spread out in four pavilions, a film auditorium, conference facilities for national and international camps, a children’s corner and a library.

Opening Hours :
From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed on Mondays

Entry Fee :
Entry is free.

Location :
Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, Gandhi Darshan
5 Tees January Marg, New Delhi 110 011

Contact :
Phone : 011- 2339 2709 / 10
E-mail : Contact Now

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