Monday, March 10, 2025

Yearly Horoscope 2015

Gemini ( May 21 - June 20 )

This year is a year of deep psychological growth for Gemini. Though there are still difficulties in your life- especially in the social and family area-they are nowhere near as intense as they have been. Be prepared for deep and abiding changes. Exciting new social contacts could bring out an attractive side of your personality that has been dormant until now. You may expand your activities into other areas of skill or endeavour through the influence of others.

In the fields of relationships- relatives, friends, colleagues will find you sincere, sympathetic, willing to help or simply a good listener. There is a possibility of a short-term relationship ending but you will not be without a partner for long. A new person that enters your life may revolutionise your own approach to relationships and even the course of your life. Your close relationships will undergo some very positive changes, so that both family and friends draw nearer. Much greater, closer bonding and a sense of oneness will happen with the special person in your life, or your partner. 

Health will improve this year. Many of you with long-standing health diseases will be hearing good news on this front. Things are getting better. Spine, teeth and skeletal structure need special attention to optimize health. Give more attention to the neck and shoulder areas. Avoid making negative comments about your body, strive to praise it and believe in constructive and positive things. Health of the parents should improve after May.

This year could help you to achieve progress on a special dream. Career may play a role for some, taking you to new and different directions. Where job prospects are concerned, some of you may have an improvement in working conditions or change in routine that will increase the pace of your life. With regard to finances, it is important to be more frugal than usual. Focus on being practical and facing up to basic realities. There are chances to improve your self-esteem and possibly your income. 

Love / romance is still unstable, but would be more stable this year than in the past. Everything is a matter of degree. Affections change suddenly and unexpectedly both at your end and your lovers. Singles find love on line, through organizations and organizational meetings, group activities. Those looking out for a second time need patience this year but opportunity is there. 

For Yearly Prediction