Monday, March 3, 2025
Andaman and Nicobar


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Forest Department

The chief conservator of Forests is the Head of the Department. There are three conservators of Forests under the chief Conservator of Forests with their Headquarters at Port Blair. The Forest Department has been divided into 13 divisions i.e. five Territorial Divisions and eight functional divisions.

Management Of Forests

The main functions of the Forest Department are :

Management of the Forests of these islands in a scientific and systematic manner progressively increasing production and sale of industrial wood, firewood and other forest produce. Raising of plantation of economically important species like teak, padauk, soft wood, bamboos and canes. Regeneration of forest areas and improvement of the Forests cover in the interest of soil and water conservation regulation of stream flow and checking of erosion, conservation and Development of wild life.

It also runs two departmental Saw Mills; one at Chathan and the other at Betapur continue to function satisfactorily. The sawn timber was sold locally to Government departments and the public for constructional and other purposes and also shipped to the mainland depots at Madras and Howrah for sale by auction /negotiation.

In 1982-83, the total outturn of sawn timber was 10,503 cum from chathem and Batapur saw mills as against 10,756 cum. during the previous year.

There are research nurseries at Nayashahar, Kalatang, Wimberlygung, Parnashalla and Long Island and the Crocodile breeding is being maintained at Hadoo with an object to rehabilitate their wild habitat.

The forest Department maintained the Mini Zoo at Port Blair with addition of locally available animals and birds. Total number of animals /birds in the zoo is over 300.

There is a forest Training School at Wimberlygung where nearly thirty Forest guards are trained annually.