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Ice cream stick Box

Ice cream stick Box
Total views : 25045    17 . 3 . 2014
What do you usually do with the Popsicle stick after you finish your ice cream? Do you know that you can make awesome things out of it? So next time, don't throw away the sticks. We will show you how to make a cute box out of it.

Popsicle (Ice cream stick) box

Thing needed are,
materials to make this Ice cream stick Box
» Popsicle (Ice cream stick) – two or three bunches – it is easily available in the market
» Glue
» Beads – two

If you want a colourful box, you need to paint the Popsicles before starting. Here I am not painting it, I am just making a plain one.

Popsicles on the bottom sticks

Keep two Popsicle sticks parallel. Apply some glue on both ends of the sticks. On both corners of the sticks, place another two sticks, so that you will get a square shape. Now line up the Popsicles on the bottom sticks as if you are filling the square shape.

square shape

On the top and base sides of this shape, stick two or more sticks. Continue to stick two sticks alternatively until you reach the square shape as you see here. Wait for it to dry.

For making the lid, follow the same procedure that you did for making the base of the box. Place two sticks parallel. On both ends of the sticks, place another two sticks parallel to make the square shape. Now fill the square shape by sticking the Popsicle sticks.

decorate the lid

To decorate the lid, glue two beads on top of it.

jewellery box

You can use it as a jewellery box or store box to keep your tiny toys. You can also present it as a gift to your friends. So don't forget to try it out.


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Neha, kottaipattinam
August 31, 2018
how is it possible