Friday, February 21, 2025

Pot Painting

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Method 1 Method 2 Method 3

Method 1

Materials Required :  Procedure : 
  1. At first, colour your earthen pot with any enamel paint.
  2. Now take a container containing three-fourth quantity of water and spill different colours of enamel paints into it.
  3. The different colour paints float on the water.
  4. Now gently hold your painted pot at its edge and dip it into the water and twist it around, in the water and slowly take it out of the container.
  5. Keep the pot aside without disturbing it.
  6. The wet paints will slowly take its own design and shade.
  7. Wait till the pot dries.

Your pot painting is ready.

This art form can be done by any age group and each time you do it, you get a different design.

Tips : 

Method 2

Materials Required :  Procedure :
  1. Take some ceramic powder and mix it with fevicol in a bowl until  you get a mixture with loose consistency (like a cake batter)
  2. Pat this around the pot giving it a matte finish.
  3. Allow it to dry.
  4. Finally paint it with fevicryl metalllic colour of your choice.
  5. Your pot is ready.

Your pot is ready. This is an easy way of decorating an earthen pot.

Method 3

Materials Required :  Procedure :
  1. At first, colour your earthen pot with your choice of enamel paint.
  2. Then, keep it aside for 10 minutes.
  3. Later, take a fabric paint (contrast colour to the enamel paint) onto the bristles of the tooth brush.
  4. Now using your fingers, sprinkle the paint from the tooth brush onto your painted pot.
  5. After 18 minutes, blend the same fabric colour used onto the pot with a painting brush.
  6. Now keep it for drying under the sun. It will give a  cracked effect.

Your pot is now ready.

Tips : 

Use light shade paints as the base colours and darker colours for sprinkling.