
in different shapes and size appear on many early American quilt. Even today
it is a fashion. This particular one is based on the eight-point Lone Star
design. It will brighten your sitting room or study room. If you are using simple
patchwork, plan your design on a paper with pencils before beginning your work.
Procedure to make a patchwork sachet:
diagonal, square, and triangle shaped designs. Cut eight diamonds, four squares
and four triangles on a thin card. Use your templates to trace the correct number
of shapes onto the lengthwise grain of each fabric. Add a (6mm)1/4
inch seam allowance and cut out four light green and four peach diamonds,
four blue squares and four blue triangles from fabric. Cut the backing paper
of the same shape of the templates. Place these backing paper of each shape,
turn the joint over the paper, folding at the points, tack in place.
Stitch one piece of peach
and green diamond together along one edge, then sew a blue square at a right angle.
Make four of these units and join together all these units in such a way
that the square pieces comes at the four edges, so that it looks like a
star. Sew the blue triangles on to the remaining spaces to complete the
square. Iron lightly and remove all the tacking threads.
Cut a 19cm/71/2
in square from the remaining blue fabric and iron a 5mm/1/4
in seam evenly all round.
With wrong sides together, pin this square to the patch work and
overstitch around the outside edge leaving a 7.5cm/3 in gap on one side.
Fill with herbs or cotton and sew up the opening. Finish off by sewing a
button to the centre of the star.