is needlework i.e the simple drawing of one loop through another, done with a
hook. You can make a variety of beautiful things like table mats, shawls,
sweaters, dresses etc.
with Crochet.
Materials :
Hooks made of steel, plastic, aluminium and wood are available in different
lengths and sizes. Steel hooks are usually used for cotton thread or fine wool
work, plastic and aluminium hooks for wool, synthetics etc and wooden hooks for
heavy wool (rug making).
Yarns and threads are available in a variety
of materials like wool (light, medium and heavy), cotton , synthetic, jute and
so on.
Gauge means the number of stitches
and rows per inch. Gauge will be specified in the directions given in a particular
design. When you do crocheting , it is important to maintain the gauge specified
in the design to get the correct size of the article you are making.
check the Gauge, make a sample 3 or 4 inches square patch of the stitch
given. Stitch using the specified hook and yarn. Then place the patch flat on
the table and with a ruler measure the number of stitches and rows per inch.
For eg. Gauge= 4 stitches per inch.
If your stitch number doesn't correspond
to the Gauge given for the design, try out different size hooks i.e a larger hook
if you have more stitches per inch or a smaller hook for less stitches per inch
until the Gauge specified is obtained.
Method :
Make a loop at one
end of yarn and hold in place it thumb and forefinger of left hand. Hold the hook
in the right hand. Draw working yarn through loop. Pull short end and working
yarn. Tighten the yarn in opposite directions to bring loop around the hook. |
hold yarn, measure down working yarn about 4" from loop on hook. Having palm
of hand facing up, insert yarn between right finger and little finger of left
hand. Weave thread around little finger, then under and over other fingers. |